Sextortion & Image-Based Abuse Resources
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These organizations help the victims of sextortion, image-based abuse, and revenge porn to obtain support and help.
Sextortion & Image-Based Abuse Support Worldwide
The following are organizations that provide support for many different types of online abuse, including scams, fraud, cybercrimes, sextortion, revenge porn, etc.
Directory updated 5/2024
Image, Video, Content Takedown Services
- If you’re under 18, you can use takeitdown.ncmec.org – a free online tool that prevents your image or video from being shared on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Yubo, OnlyFans, and Pornhub.
- If you’re 18 or older, you can use StopNCII.org – a free online tool that prevents your image or video from being shared on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Bumble, OnlyFans, and Reddit.
By Country
SCARS Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams AgainstScams.org
A global online crime victims’ advocacy, assistance, services, and support provider helping scam/fraud/cybercrime victims worldwide. All services are free, safe, and confidential. For support go to support.AgainstScams.org
Safer Internet Austria
Promotes online safety and provides advice for those who have experienced image-based abuse or ‘revenge porn’ in Austria.
Institute for the Equality of Women and Men
This organization supports people who have had their intimate images shared with advice and anonymous report forms.
Internet Foundation Bolivia
An organization working in the prevention of digital violence and defending the digital rights of Bolivian people.
This non-government organization runs the Safer Internet Centre in Brazil and has an online helpline to support people who have experienced online violence.
Helps teens in Canada stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way.
Project Shift
A project funded by Status of Women Canada, YWCA Canada, and partners, who are working to create a safer digital world for girls and young women.
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Operates Cybertip.ca, Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children. It provides information and support for victims of image-based abuse.
The Cybersmile Foundation
A multi-award winning anti-cyberbullying not-for-profit organisation, committed to tackling all forms of digital abuse and bullying online.
The Danish Crime Prevention Council
An independent expert council helps combat crime in Denmark, including online abuse such as bullying, sexual extortion, grooming and image-based abuse.
Online Safety Commission
A government online safety regulator which takes online reports about image-based abuse.
The Women’s Line
This service helps women and girls of all ages who have experienced or been threatened with, violence, including digital violence and online harassment.
Right to the image (Droit à l’image)
French government website explaining the legal rights an individual has to their image, as well as pathways to request the removal of an image.
Violence Against Women Support Hotline
Provides counseling and support services to women and young people in Germany who have experienced sexual violence or assault.
Ghana Internet Safety Foundation
The Ghana Internet Safety Foundation is dedicated to fostering a safer digital environment through its Cyber Trauma and Counselling Support Program. Recognizing the severe impact of online harassment, cyberbullying, and digital abuse, our program offers critical resources and support to victims. We provide expert counselling services, educational workshops, and advocacy for stronger protective measures online. Our goal is to not only aid individuals in recovering from cyber trauma but also to empower them to navigate the digital world with confidence and security. Together, we are committed to making the internet a safer space for all.
Offers support services and education resources for people who have experienced sexual violence in Iceland.
Gender Training Institute
Works to facilitate women’s empowerment and social justice through capacity-building and training-related activities in India.
An independent charity organization providing support to those who have experienced bullying and online abuse, including image-based abuse.
Republic of Ireland
National center in Ireland that lets people make confidential and anonymous reports about illegal content and image-based abuse.
Safe Ireland
Safe Ireland works to end domestic violence and make Ireland the safest country in the world for women and children. Their website includes online safety tips and resources specific to technology-facilitated abuse and image-based abuse.
PermessoDenegato APS
A non-profit organization that can help people in Italy report image-based abuse, as well as offering counseling services and support with educational resources.
Safer Internet Association
A not-for-profit organization that aims to foster a safer internet environment for all. It operates a reporting service and gives advice on how to remove sexually explicit photos from the internet.
Latin America
Vita Activa
An online helpline providing support and solutions for women and LGBTIQ+ people experiencing gender violence.
Gender and Justice
This organization supports those who are experiencing gender-based violence in Malawi. It provides programs and research.
Cyber Crime Unit Malta Police Force
Helps deal with online abuse and crime in Malta, including child sexual abuse material.
Cultivando Género
This organization aims to support equality and the digital rights of women and children. It runs a campaign called ‘No Agreement, No Nudes’ promoting safe sexting as a practice.
Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA)
An international non-profit organization aiming to promote women’s human rights with programs and projects across Morocco and Tunisia.
Women’s Law Center
A non-government organization advocating for equal rights and the prevention of domestic violence and gender-based violence against Women.
New Zealand
An independent not-for-profit organization focused on online safety. It provides online safety help, support, expertise, and education to residents of New Zealand.
1737, Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.
Anxiety New Zealand 0800 ANXIETY (0800 269 4389)
Depression.org.nz 0800 111 757 or text 4202
Lifeline 0800 543 354
Netsafe help@netsafe.org.nz or text 4282
Rural Support Trust 0800 787 254
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Yellow Brick Road 0800 732 825
thelowdown.co.nz Web chat, email chat or free text 5626
What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (for 5 to 18-year-olds). Phone counselling available Monday-Friday, noon-11pm and weekends, 3pm-11pm. Online chat is available 3pm-10pm daily.
Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234, email talk@youthline.co.nz, or find online chat and other support options here.
If it is an emergency, click here to find the number for your local crisis assessment team.
In a life-threatening situation, call 111.
A helpline offering help and advice to anyone who has experienced or is worried about online abuse, including image-based abuse, sexual extortion and bullying.
The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs)
A not-for-profit organisation with support for people in Nigeria who deal with human rights violations. It provides legal support, safety information and advocacy of equal rights. Reporting and counseling services are also available.
Digital Rights Foundation
The cyber harassment helpline is a toll-free, safe, and confidential service for people in Pakistan dealing with online harassment and violence. It has resources for legal advice, digital security support, and counseling and referral services.
Hiper Derecho
An online space for people in Peru to find resources and report online abuse, such as digital gender violence and sexual blackmail.
CERT Poland
An incident reporting service in Poland for residents, service providers, and government entities to report online abuse and crime.
Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE)
Helps promote women’s rights and gender equality in Singapore. This not-for-profit organization aims to provide support, education, and research into sexual harassment and other gender-based issues.
The national center in Slovakia for reporting illegal content or activities online, including child sexual exploitation material.
South Korea
Korea Cyber Sexual Violence Response Center (KCSVRC)
Supports people in South Korea who have experienced online sexual violence with counseling support, content removal support, investigations, and legal support.
Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta
Provides information and support to people who have experienced abuse or security issues online, as well as education resources.
IMY Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection
They aim to protect personal data and provide guidance for people who have been impacted by data breaches in Sweden. The organization also provides support for those who have experienced online abuse.
National Cyber Security Centre Switzerland
An online reporting service to help people who have experienced online dangers and abuse, including sexual extortion.
Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation
Offers free legal consultation services to victims of image-based abuse and works closely with lawyers to provide this advice. The Foundation also operates a hotline staffed by social workers.
Thai Internet Hotline
This hotline aims to help parents and children online who come across illegal or dangerous content, including child sexual exploitation material.
United Kingdom
Glitch is an award-winning UK charity ending online abuse and championing digital citizenship. With a particular focus on Black women and marginalised people, and through training, research, workshops and community building, Glitch is focused on building an online world that is safer for all.
Provides advice and support to victims of image-based abuse, including information about what to do, and assurance that police recognise ‘revenge porn’ as a serious form of abuse.
The Revenge Porn Helpline
This is the UK’s only dedicated service supporting adults who have been victims of image-based abuse.
Scottish Women’s Aid
Non-profit offering help and support to victims of image-based abuse, including the ‘Together we can stop it’ community education campaign.
Victims of Internet Crime: Speak Out!
A victim-led site to empower people who have experienced image-based abuse to share their stories and access support.
Victim Support
An independent charity for people affected by crime and traumatic events in England and Wales, providing individual, independent, emotional and practical help.
USA – United States of America
Attorney General’s Cyber Exploitation Task Force
Part of the State of California’s Department of Justice, this website offers the resources to combat cyber exploitation.
Chayn is a global non-profit, run by survivors and allies from around the world, creating resources to support the healing of survivors of gender-based violence. They create open, online resources and services for survivors of abuse that are trauma-informed, intersectional, multi-lingual and feminist.
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
A non-profit organisation serving thousands of victims around the world and advocating for technological, social and legal innovation to fight online abuse.
A non-profit organisation working to help end online harassment. It has a secure and moderated platform for people who have experienced image-based abuse to tell their stories.
Are We Missing Someone?
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Sextortion Menu
- Sextortion Basics
- For Teen Guys – Sextortion Scams – What Are They? How To Survive Them?
- For Teen Girls – Sextortion Scams – What Are They? How To Survive Them?
- Surviving Sextortion / Sexual Photo Blackmail
- When Sextortion Goes Wrong – When Scammers Post Those Photos
- Helping Someone Survive Sextortion/Blackmail
- Sextortion Support Resources Worldwide
- Getting Photos & Video Removed Using Copyright
Takedown Services
- If you’re under 18, you can use takeitdown.ncmec.org – a free online tool that prevents your image or video from being shared on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Yubo, OnlyFans, and Pornhub.
- If you’re 18 or older, you can use StopNCII.org – a free online tool that prevents your image or video from being shared on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Bumble, OnlyFans, and Reddit.
More Sextortion Resources
- USA – Sextortion: What Kids and Caregivers Need to Know — FBI
- USA – Financially Motivated Sextortion — FBI
- AUSTRALIA – Dealing with sexual extortion | Australia eSafety Commissioner
- CANADA – Cybertip.ca
- Thorn – Stop Sextortion – Get Help
- Get Help Now – Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
- USA – National Center For Missing & Exploited Children
- Take It Down Tool
• Tool: takeitdown.ncmec.org
• PSA: youtube.com/watch?v=pAaXbBzVdJE - What to do:
• missingkids.org/theissues/sextortion - Request Victim/Family Support
• email: gethelp@ncmec.org - Report to the CyberTipline and Survivor Services will reach out with additional resources: cybertipline.org
- Take It Down Tool
- USA/CANADA – National Crisis Hotline
- Call 988 or Text 4HOPE to 741741
- https://www.crisistextline.org/ for access to a trained counselor
- AUSTRALIA – 24/7 helplines – free and confidential:
- If you’re 25 or younger, you can call or chat online with Kids HelplineExternal link (1800 55 1800).
- If you’re 18 or older, you can call, text or chat with LifelineExternal link (13 11 14).
- USA – FBI “How Can We Help You”: https://www.fbi.gov/how-we-can-helpyou/safety-resources/scams-andsafety/common-scams-and-crimes/sextortion
- ICAC Task Force Contacts: https://icactaskforce.org/TaskForceContacts