Please Start By Reading Each Item
What is Sextortion?
How does it happen and go from a Romantic Relationship to Blackmail?
Sexual extortion or ‘sextortion’ is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share a nude or sexual image or video of you unless you give in to their demands. If this happens to you, you’re not alone – there’s help available.
You Are Being Blackmailed!
Sextortion Help For Teen Guys!
Being Blackmailed Sucks! The criminals want you to be scared and freak out, but hold it together! You can make it through this. We know, we have helped loads before you!
You Are Being Blackmailed!
Sextortion Help For Teen Girls!
It does not matter why you did what you did, it is not your fault. Exploring your sexuality is normal, and some criminal was just waiting for someone like you so they could spring their trap.
Surviving Sextortion / Sexual Photo Blackmail
Sextortion Uses Explicit Photos Taken From The Victim
It does not matter why you did what you did, it is not your fault. Exploring your sexuality is normal, and some criminal was just waiting for someone like you so they could spring their trap.
You Are Being Blackmailed!
What Happens When Sextortion Goes Wrong
It does not matter why you did what you did, it is not your fault. Exploring your sexuality is normal, and some criminal was just waiting for someone like you so they could spring their trap.
Helping Someone Survive Image-Based Abuse
Sextortion Is A Serious Crime And You Can Help!
You can play an important role in helping a friend or family member survive this experience. How to step up if someone shares or threatens to share an intimate image or video of them
Sextortion & Image-Based Abuse Resources
Find help worldwide and in your country!
These organizations help the victims of sextortion, image-based abuse, and revenge porn to obtain support and help.
Telling Your Story Is Important! Do It Here Safe & Anonymous
For Scam Victims, the Need to Tell Their Stories – the Need for Acceptance is Very Real! Being Accepted is a Basic Primal Need we all have! When Scam Victims tell their Stories they Seek and Receive Acceptance! Telling your story helps you to recover! Sharing your story as a scam victim holds significant importance on many levels. It serves as a vital warning to others, shedding light on the deceptive tactics used by scammers and helping potential targets recognize similar schemes. Your narrative can directly contribute to preventing others from falling into the same traps.
Important for Every Scam Victim
The Importance of Starting Off Right for New Scam Victims
Starting off right is so important for new scam victims to regain control and mitigate further harm. Begin recovery, seek support, and learn what is important, how it happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.
Important for Every Scam Victim
The Importance of Journaling for New Scam Victims
Journaling is a major tool for new scam victims to process emotions, track experiences, and reflect on progress. It provides a safe outlet for expression and aids in the recovery journey.
Important for Every Scam Victim
The Importance of Learning for Scam Victims Recovering from Scams
Learning makes the difference for new scam victims in their recovery journey as it empowers them with knowledge about why scams happen, why they were targeted, scam tactics, psychological manipulation, why it was not their fault, and strategies to protect themselves from future scams.
Important for Every Scam Victim
The Importance of Trauma Therapy for Scam Victims
Trauma therapy makes a huge difference in helping scam victims address the emotional and psychological impact of their experience, helping them heal, regain a sense of control, and rebuild their lives with resilience.
Important for Every Scam Victim
The Importance of Scam Victims Avoiding the Vigilante Trap
Scam victims must avoid falling into the trap of vigilante justice, as it can lead to further harm and deeper trauma, frustration and anger, severely hindering their recovery process and restoring their lives.
Getting Started with the Right Knowledge!
New scam victims often struggle to comprehend what happened and may blame themselves. SCARS provides vital education and support to help victims understand they were targeted by skilled criminals, and it was not their fault.
With SCARS guidance and support, victims can begin their recovery journey free from blame, guilt, and shame.
For Adults Join a SCARS Support & Recovery Group Today!

It Was Not Your Fault!
Blaming scam victims perpetuates stigma and undermines their recovery. Victims are targeted by skilled manipulators, and assigning fault ignores the predatory tactics used. Instead, fostering empathy and support helps victims heal. Understanding scams’ complexities and providing resources empowers victims to reclaim their dignity and move forward with resilience.
New scam victims often face significant challenges in understanding what happened to them. The tactics employed by scammers are often sophisticated, leaving scam victims confused, vulnerable, and grappling with a myriad of emotions. Initially, victims may blame themselves for becoming victims of the scam, experiencing overwhelming guilt and shame. This self-blame can hinder their ability to seek help and begin the recovery process.
However, by receiving the right information and support from organizations like SCARS, victims can eliminate these feelings of blame, guilt, and shame. SCARS provides comprehensive education about various scam forms, manipulation techniques, and the psychological impact of scams. This knowledge empowers victims to recognize that they were targeted by skilled criminals who exploited vulnerabilities, rather than being at fault themselves.
By understanding the complexities of scams and the tactics used by scammers, scam victims can shift their perspective from self-blame to self-compassion. They realize that they are not alone in their experience and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. With the support of SCARS and its resources, including support groups, helping to find trauma counseling, and educational materials, new scam victims can begin their journey of recovery with confidence and clarity. SCARS helps victims navigate the road to recovery by providing a safe space to share experiences, access valuable resources, and rebuild their lives free from blame, guilt, and shame.
SCARS provides free & confidential scam victim services worldwide!
Telling Your Story to the Police
Talking About the Scam with Your Family & Friends
SCARS Self-Help Books also Available at shop.AgainstScams.org
SCARS Support & Recovery
- SCARS Support & Recovery Program For Scam Victims – 2024
- Join a Free Safe & Confidential SCARS Support & Recovery Group Now
- SCARS Self Help Books
- Find Counseling or Therapy Resources
Important Things For Scam Victims To Know
- Importance Of Starting Off Right For New Scam Victims
- Importance Of Journaling For New Scam Victims
- Importance For Scam Victims Of Support & Recovery Group
- Importance Of Learning For Scam Victims Recovering
- Importance Of Trauma Therapy For Scam Victims
- Importance Of Scam Victims Avoiding The Vigilante Trap
- SCARS 3 Steps For New Scam Victims
- Essential Information for New Scam Victims on SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com
- Learn More on SCARS ScamsNOW.com
SCARS Resources
• More Info For New Victims of Relationship Scams newvictim.AgainstScams.org
• Subscribe to SCARS Newsletter newsletter.againstscams.org
• Sign up for SCARS professional support & recovery groups, visit support.AgainstScams.org
• Join our Scam Survivors United Chat & Discussion Group facebook.com/groups/scam.survivors.united
• Find competent trauma counselors or therapists, visit counseling.AgainstScams.org
• Become a SCARS Member and get free counseling benefits, visit membership.AgainstScams.org
• Report each and every crime, learn how to at reporting.AgainstScams.org
• Learn more about Scams & Scammers at RomanceScamsNOW.com and ScamsNOW.com
• Scammer photos ScammerPhotos.com
• SCARS Videos youtube.AgainstScams.org
• Self-Help Books for Scam Victims are at shop.AgainstScams.org
• Donate to SCARS and help us help others at donate.AgainstScams.org
• Worldwide Crisis Hotlines: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/